world clock

Monday, December 28, 2009

Taking back the data on the Memory Mobile which has been formatted with TestDisk and PhotoRec v6.10 Free.

Taking back the data on the Memory Mobile which has been formatted with TestDisk and PhotoRec v6.10 Free.
Prepare one Hanphone memory that are connected through a card reader or USB Reader to a PC or a computer,then you will live to search for TeskDisk v6.10.You should make sure here is the memory connected via Hanphone Card / USB Reader (not through Hanphone data cable) so that the drive can be read by the program.
This program can be found for free, you are looking for just by using the search engine on the internet. Example: google.
Then extract the files you've downloaded it on a computer or laptop. After you extract the files, then go into the folder "teskdisk-6:10". then go back into the folder "win" so you find the icon tool "photorec_win.exe".
After that, follow the steps below:
1. Double-click on the "photorec_win.exe".
2. Then select the drive you want to recovery, ie Hanphone memory by pressing the arrow up or down ↑ ↓ on the keyboard to shift the position of select drive (disk / dev / sdb - 512 MB/489 MiB). Then press Enter.
3. Select an option and press Enter.
4. Select the option in accordance with your Hanphone memory, for example, in this process using FAT32. You do not choose no partition. Then in the menu below select File Opt to use the arrows left or right ← →, then press Enter.
5. Select the type of file you want to rocovery. Use the "X" on the keyboard to choose, and use the arrow up or down ↑ ↓ to move to the next file type.
6. If you've finished selecting, press Enter.
7. After that then select the option Search and press Enter.
8. Then select the option Other, and press Enter to continue the process.
9. After that, select the option Whole and press Enter.
10. Then press "Y" on your keyboard to select the file that is stored on recovry same folder folder yng teskdisk-6:10 \ win \.
11. Please wait during the process. Long this process depends on the number of data.
12. If the process has been completed, it will display the number of files you have recovery for each file type. Press Enter to exit.
13. In the last stage of recovery behold, there is a new folder with the name "recup_dir.1". Name and number of files depends on the type and number of files that your recovery.
The process has finished, now you can see the data that has been formatted in your Hanphone memory.

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